Monday, November 10, 2014

Unintentional, yet Necessary Bug-Hopping Ensues

Shortly after FSOSS and the end of reading week, I initially requested to work on an Appmaker issue created by senior Mozillian Scott Downe, AKA 'TheCount' (Link to #2338). My mistake from the get-go was not to immediately use the comment thread to clarify my lack of context for how to find the code necessary to fix the bug, instead leaving it for a while as life happened for both parties involved with the intent of asking Sir Downe at a more convenient time for me later on down the road. As fortune often shines it everloving light on me, the gentleman is now off on some sort of vacation/time away from his work for a week as my deadline for this milestone looms and is at the end of this week. Instinct dictated me to immediately find a suitable alternative, and I believe that I have found a manageable little number that might even serve as an incremental growth to a rather impressive final 0.4 effort (no promises yet, though) - Issue #2348

As usual, updates to soon follow after the initial PR at the end of this week.

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